Flight Free 2021

Hothouse Solutions: "Travel Will Never Be the Same Again"

“Will travel ever go back to normal? Perhaps it shouldn’t” writes travel journalist Rosie Spinks for this article in Hothouse Solutions. It’s well worth a read - and features an interview of Flight Free USA co-founder, Ariella Granett. Please let us know what you think!

A People-Powered Campaign

The Flight Free campaign is a people-powered campaign. By sharing our stories we inspire change in each other, and when many people join together important shifts become possible. Join our campaign today, and let the world know why you choose to stay on the ground!

Podcast from SustainabiliGuy: Cancelled Airport Plans & Socially Powerful Non-Flying

A great podcast episode from SustainabiliGuy - about the cancelled airport plans at Charles the Gaulle, and the impact of individual choices.

Tossing Out the Bucket List

Ellen Petry Leanse, an author, teacher and technology pioneer from California, tells the story of why she decided to toss out her bucket list and enjoy the wonders of the world at a distance, rather than traveling to them.

Flight Free 2021 - We Need Your Story/ Quote!

This is a people powered campaign- Sharing our stories is a powerful tool to inspire change. Contribute a story/ quote (up to 300 words) about going #FlightFree. The more personal the better! What led to your decision to pledge to be flight free in 2021? Share your thoughts about what it might be like this year or recommend flight travel alternatives.